
Microfiction: short fiction of a few hundred words or less.

Every day there is a new microfiction assignment. Try this to improve your creativity and to cultivate the discipline of writing.

(Feel free to suggest new subjects, topics, characters, genres, themes, and twists.)

Assignment 20200907

Given the character of a grocery store clerk, write a story in the a comic book script genre, using the subject a love story and the theme a prophecy. If you feel extra creative, write in a dialect.

Your word limit is 385 words.

Assignment 20200906

Given the character of a cowboy, write a story in the back of the box instructions genre, using the subject a funny anecdote and the theme man versus himself. If you feel extra creative, write dialog only in questions.

Your word limit is 110 words.

Assignment 20200905

Given the character of a grumpy neighbor, write a story in the text message genre, using the subject how a boring history book might describe it and the theme an exhortation to hope. If you feel extra creative, hit the word limit exactly.

Your word limit is 250 words.

Assignment 20200904

Given the character of a genie from a lamp, write a story in the a Twitter conversation genre, using the subject a philosophical treatise and the theme pure amusement. If you feel extra creative, rhyme badly.

Your word limit is 160 words.

Assignment 20200903

Given the character of a neighborhood kid, write a story in the words scribbled in the margin of another book genre, using the subject a one-up contest and the theme a warning. If you feel extra creative, use a character from another work you've read.

Your word limit is 445 words.

Assignment 20200902

Given the character of your father, write a story in the overheard on public transportation genre, using the subject improvisational conversation and the theme man versus nature. If you feel extra creative, write acrostically.

Your word limit is 320 words.

Assignment 20200901

Given the character of a street vendor, write a story in the steampunk genre, using the subject a public service announcement and the theme coming of age. If you feel extra creative, rhyme well.

Your word limit is 225 words.

Assignment 20200831

Given the character of a medical resident, write a story in the the back of a cereal box genre, using the subject a biography and the theme man versus man. If you feel extra creative, write from the ending first.

Your word limit is 295 words.

Assignment 20200830

Given the character of a goth, write a story in the science fiction genre, using the subject a fairy tale and the theme a fable with a moral. If you feel extra creative, write in dialect.

Your word limit is 480 words.

Assignment 20200829

Given the character of your mother, write a story in the superhero story genre, using the subject metafiction about fiction and the theme an exhortation to hope. If you feel extra creative, have the characters take no action besides thinking or speaking.

Your word limit is 100 words.

Assignment 20200828

Given the character of a superhero, write a story in the teen-speak genre, using the subject a campfire story and the theme a prophecy. If you feel extra creative, write only one sentence at a time.

Your word limit is 155 words.

Assignment 20200827

Given the character of an artificial intelligence, write a story in the horror genre, using the subject a retelling of a Shakespeare play and the theme man versus the supernatural. If you feel extra creative, use only conversation.

Your word limit is 455 words.

Assignment 20200826

Given the character of a ghost who likes puns, write a story in the technical writing genre, using the subject a short debate and the theme a warning. If you feel extra creative, use as many puns as possible.

Your word limit is 235 words.

Assignment 20200825

Given the character of a new bride, write a story in the fan fiction genre, using the subject a retelling of a conversation and the theme bizarre happenings. If you feel extra creative, use awkward comparisons and images.

Your word limit is 140 words.

Assignment 20200824

Given the character of a precocious kindergartener, write a story in the romance genre, using the subject a fight over another character and the theme man versus nature. If you feel extra creative, write from the point of view of a first grader.

Your word limit is 340 words.