Bad Parkers
When I am emperor, I will punish everyone who has demonstrated that he or she does not know how to park a car. This is more than having a difficult time parallel parking (although people who cannot seem to measure the length of their cars versus the available space or who do not realize that all cars larger than a skateboard need more than a few inches to augur out of a space will have their own special punishment) — these are the people who take up multiple spaces whether on purpose or on accident, having parked so crookedly that it is impossible to park in the adjacent space without causing minor damage.
These people will have to teach drivers training courses — which I will raise to a mandatory two-year length — to teenagers, in their own cars. There may be cameras to record their facial expressions and screams of terror, in which case for repeat offenders we will broadcast these videos on empire-wide television so that everyone can laugh at them.